Sunday, August 22, 2010

10 Ideas for a Photo Essay

1.  Blues/Jazz Music
a.  Why is Jazz so popular in New Orleans?
b.  Who invented it?  Who has re-invented it to be more appealing to a modern crowd?
c.  How is this type of music important to the culture of New Orleans?
d.  Do they incorporate this type of music into their theatre?  Do Burlesque dancers use jazz and blues music to dance to?
e.  Are they proud of their heritage when it comes to their music?

2.  Architecture
a.  How do people stop flooding within their homes?
b.  Has New Orleans developed a specific architecture?
c.  How has it's citizens overcome living below sea level?
d.  What is unique about the architecture found in New Orleans?
e.  Why does the architecture in New Orleans function better there, than it would here?  What specifically makes it unique to the area?
f.  Are their homes sealed from the inside to prevent water from getting inside their homes?

3.  Landscapes
a.  How do people interact with the land?
b.  How do people use the land to their advantage?
c.  How does the land make life potentially difficult?
d.  How does that land make life easier for its citizens?
e.  How does their architecture work with the land?
f.  What do people have to do differently to live below sea level?
g.  What land features are prominent in New Orleans?
h.  Do people constantly worry about flooding?
i.  Do citizens have to have flood insurance on every single building down there?
j.  Why do people choose to live in a city that's below sea level?
k.  What is so special about New Orleans' landscape that draws people to live there?
l.  Do people have to do anything special to stop flooding within their homes?
m.  What is so unique about the landscape of New Orleans?
n.  What beauty do people see within the landscape of New Orleans?

4.  Cemeteries
a.  How are cemeteries different in New Orleans?
b.  Why do they celebrate when a person dies?
c.  How expensive is it to have someone laid to rest in New Orleans?
d.  How did they think to have people sealed in tombs?

5.  Retail Stores
a.  Does New Orleans have the same retail shops that we do in Minneapolis?
b.  What about the operation of retail is similar to Minneapolis?
c.  What is different about the operation of their retail stores compared to Minneapolis?
d.  When people aren't working at those retail stores, what are they doing during their time off?
e.  Do they have special procedures for emergency (specifically a flood or hurricane)?
f.  What kinds of merchandise do they sell that is different than the merchandise in Minneapolis?
g.  Do they offer any services that differ from a service in Minneapolis?

6.  Oil Spill
a.  What does it look like?
b.  How much of an impact does spilled oil have on the environment and ocean life?
c.  What is BP doing to help clean it up?
d.  How much oil has actually been contained by BP?
e.  What types of programs or organizations are being implemented to help the conservation of the Gulf Coast?
f.  How much of the oil that has been spilled still needs to be cleaned up?
g.  How are conservation groups collecting money to help the clean-up efforts on the gulf coast?
h.  Who is running clean-up efforts on the gulf?
i.  What do people do when they're not helping those conservation and clean-up organizations?
j.  What times of the day are people cleaning up?  Do they work 24/7?  Do they work from sunrise to sunset?  9 to 5?
k.  Do they have shifts that they complete and another crew takes over for them when their shift is over?
l.  How has the oil spill affected local sea food business?
m.  Is seafood still safe to eat?  How do fisheries get the seafood out of the water without getting oil all over it?
n.  Has protocol changed for fisheries, especially on how to clean their catches?

7.  Theatre
a.  How has theatre brought together the citizens of New Orleans?
b.  What type of entertainment is the most popular?
c.  What types of people perform there?  What types of people come to watch?
d.  Is there a certain area where all the theaters are located?
e.  How much does a ticket to a show cost?
f.  Are there age restrictions for each individual show?
g.  Why is Burlesque dancing an important part of New Orleans culture?
h.  Why are the dancers considered entertainers, and not strippers?

8.  Food
a.  Who exactly makes the best gumbo?
b.  What is different about the food of New Orleans?
c.  What is in all those Cajun spices?
d.  Why do people in New Orleans prefer spicy food?
e.  What is the difference between a New Orleans gumbo and a Minneapolis hot dish?
f.  What is in grits?  Why do people enjoy them so much down there?
g.  What other kinds of food are unique to New Orleans?
h.  What kinds of food are unique to the south that New Orleans has adopted as well?
i.  What do they call "pop" down there?  Cola?  Soda?  Coke?  Am I going to get beaten up for calling it pop?

9.  Local Artists
a.  How have artists like Banksy contributed to New Orleans society?
b.  What kinds of art do some of the local artists produce?
c.  Are there any artists that produce art from the scraps and rummage from Katrina?
d.  How does the artwork impact the community?  How does it draw the community together or push it apart?

10.  Communication
a.  How do the citizens communicate with each other?
b.  Do they have news broadcasts like we do in Minneapolis?
c.  Since the entire city has suffered through a natural disaster, are they more bound to each other?
d.  Do they actually talk with their neighbors and befriend them?
e.  How do people of New Orleans connect with other people?  Is it possible that they're guilty of the term "Southern Hospitality"?  Would they invite a stranger into their home for a day?

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